Cave of Wonders image}

Cave of Wonders

Single — Jun 5, 2020

  1. Cave of Wonders


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those who are neck deep in the local utah music scene might remember this track from a band called Bellrave and then realize that this is in fact a cover. i decided to cover this a while ago because it always reminds of the great Allison Martin who, along with my first mentor Steve Auerbach, set me on the path that i am today by nurturing the producer and songwriter sides of me and this was my way of reminding myself of why i write songs. for the enjoyment of writing. and it was Allison who showed me that writing doesn't have to be this huge laborious task and is something that can actually be enjoyed....among many other equally important things. anyway, what i'm trying to say is this cover is my way of saying thank you for everything, and if you're reading this i hope we can meet up in the studio sometime soon and write something wonderful 💖🖤
Cave of Wonders is available here on the website and on all major streaming platforms.